Double face tablet weaving (1) – runes, letters, numbers, etc.

The technique of tablet weaving, which is called double face or double faced, is really double sided. In other techniques, with few exceptions, the face and reverse can be clearly identified. With this technique, you usually can’t tell. Two colours are used for the pattern, which will simply be swapped on the other side, but…… Pokračovat ve čtení Double face tablet weaving (1) – runes, letters, numbers, etc.

Brocaded tablet weaving – first tries

Brocaded tablet weaving – I have been admiring brocaded bands many years, actually since I found out that the most famous pattern from Birka (a kind of tangle, I am going to write an article about it) was originally woven using this technique. What is brocading And it is not alone, many favorite patterns were…… Pokračovat ve čtení Brocaded tablet weaving – first tries

Wedding bands – first weaving on six-hole cards

I wove these wedding bands for our friends for a pagan ceremony. The first one was used as the hem of the tunic of the bride and groom. The second was used as the bride’s belt. The other three decorated the bouquet, the bride’s cap and the newlyweds‘ daughter. How I learned to weave on…… Pokračovat ve čtení Wedding bands – first weaving on six-hole cards